Join the conversation in the Teacher’s Lounge

The lounge is closed for the holidays:

Join hosts Jessica and Roslynn, founders of The Agile Mind , and special guests for insightful and informative conversations.

For the next show or to listen to past episodes check out The Agile Mind’s Agile Teachers’ Lounge page for details

You need the link to get in, so please add your email to the list.


Bring your curiosity and be open to what is possible.

By submitting your email address, you are asking to be invited to a public and open conversation, facilitated by a coach, around the challenges and opportunities in bringing agile, the agile mindset, and new ways of working into our schools systems.

You are NOT asking to have anyone send you any marketing materials or to pass on your email address to those who would send you spam. So we will not do so.